Sunday 4 January 2015

Summer Skincare Essentials 2015

My skin care changes dramatically in summer. Not only does the season change my skins needs, but air con also leaves me dry and irritated and the heat makes me shiny and eats at my makeup. Its taken me years to find the balance of hydration and mattifying power to make sure my makeup lasts and my skin is soothed.  

Ultraceuticals ultra balancing cleanser
You can see my previous post regarding this cleanser, however I will say that the deep clean this cleanser gives me is perfect for makeup and sweat congested skin. I use this cleanser morning and night and love the fresh feeling it leaves with my skin. Iv got two girlfriends onto this cleanser and we all adore it! Being one of the cheaper Ultraceuticals products, Its a great intro into the range!

Vaseline Aloe fresh SPF15
This is the second year i'm using this product! Officially being 1 year out of the solarium and vowing a #SPFSUMMER My skin is softer than ever. Yes I am quite a bit fairer but my spray tans are doing me fine! 
I use this because its light and fresh and non greasy. 
I switched to a SPF body cream to stop myself getting damage from the sun when I knew I didn't need the sunlight. For example, quick walks to work and around outside. 
I still do some SPF free days to have a nice balance between natural sunlight but tuesday-saturday i am covered in this stuff! 
Smells amazing too!

Sukin Hydrating mist toner Rose water + Chamomile 
My mother would use this daily and I have picked this habit up from her. Similar to your Mac FIX+ and australis setting spray but much better for your skin. I use this when I hop out of the shower so my skin has some relief before putting moisturiser on. Under creams and makeup to create a smooth hydrated base, after powder to take away the "powdery" look, during the day to keep my skin soothed and hydrated... I could go on.
All I can say this product is great for sunburn, irritations, your scalp and I highly recommend using this product this summer and see the difference. 

Origins Make a difference Plus + Moisturiser
Because I now use more oil free products for longevity (foundation, primer, sunscreen ect) I like sticking to a super nourishing cream that can double as a night cream. This cream has an almost gel texture but is such an amazing hydrator I use it morning and night! I wear it under my sunscreen and it doesn't affect my makeup during the day. Once rubbed in, I let it sit for a few moments until its totally absorbed. Then I apply my sunscreen and makeup. 
During the night I apply heavily and let it sink in while I sleep. My skin just drinks this stuff up and I can just apply and apply and my skin never feels heavy or greasy! 

Ultra UV Protective Daily Moisturiser SPF30 - Mattifying
If you have oily skin, please go and buy this. 
This leaves my skin like velvet and so matte and smooth. For me, It is not enough hydration for day time, and my skin can feel dry after a few hours so I aways apply Sukin hydration mist and maybe a moisturiser before hand. I wish I was using this sunscreen when I was 16. I can see a visible difference in the colour of my face compared to my chest, my face is far paler, which iv never noticed before. It makes me think all that little sun exposer I think isn't doing any damage, would be if i wasn't wearing sunscreen. I will always invest in this product. 

Vida Glow 100% Natural Marine Collegian 
I am a vitamin junkie. I take 10+ Tablets a day, as well as my protein, greens powder and reds powder.
Dont know what it is, I just LOVE finding new things to feed my body. 
Vida Glow is replacing my Collegian powder after I didn't feel like it was making a difference. 
I take Vida glow twice and day and I am ABSOLUTELY seeing a difference!
More so in my skin rather than hair or nails but my skin has a brighter appearance and the surface dehydration is slowly repairing. Yes you could say this is because of all the skincare I use but over new years eve I stopped taking it (too busy and a bit lazy) and I kept using my skincare but I could tell my skin was just not as bright and "Glow-y" as it had been haha I jumped back on this and within 3 days I was noticing a difference.
I will be using this all through summer and I cant wait to see if it helps with my skin in winter!